Last night, we held our annual Graduation Celebration in which we honor our graduating 8th graders and seniors. Last year was real tough for me because I saw some students graduate that had been with me since I started at the church. What was interesting about last night was that, even though I have only been at Crossroads for 6 months, I still found myself getting choked up a bit when it came time to say goodbye to my seniors.
Possibly the coolest thing we did all night was when we brought up a respresentative from the graduating senior class and a representative of the now senior class. I talked briefly about the Apostle Paul and his "athletic-type" writings. I wrapped up by using the illustration of track runners running a relay race. Without being a track runner, even I know that the most important part of the relay is the hand-off. If you don't get the hand-off right, how fast you run won't matter. So our two seniors exchanged the baton and, in essence, passed off the responsibility of leadership. It was a real emotional time for me and for some of the students.
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