Monday, April 6, 2009

Book Review: Thriving Youth Groups

Jeanne Mayo does an AWESOME job of taking her 30+ years in student ministry and breaking down the success that she has seen to one thing...RELATIONSHIPS.

Sounds simple enough, huh?  Yea, I thought so too until I picked up this book.  Jeanne challenged me in so many ways to rethink the way that we do things in our student ministry and even some of the phrase-ology that I use from the stage.  For example, how often have you called a first time guest a visitor?  I've done it 100's of times over the last 10 years.  However, Jeanne challenges youth pastors to change that phrase to "guest" as it is more inviting.

I'm very impressed with this book and have already started working on putting some of it's major points "in play" in our ministry.  Please take the time to answer the questions at the end of each chapter.  It will really help you process what you are reading.

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