Jesus says in John 8:34 that "everyone who sins is a slave to sin." He says this because sinners cannot break free by their own strength.
In the book of Romans (chapter 6 verse 18), the Apostle Paul writes this: "You have been set free from sin (AMEN!) and have become slaves to righteousness."
As Christians, we have changed masters. Instead of being mastered by our sins, we are slaves to obedience to Christ and His will for our lives.
What I really like is the word that is used there for slaves. That words literally means "willing servants." The picture there is so beautiful because in Jesus' time slaves had to serve their masters for a period of time and then they were set free. However, after being set free, many of the slaves became "willing servants" beause their masters were so good to them. How beautiful and true is that picture of our lives and relationship with Christ Jesus...
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