Thursday, April 23, 2009

Congratulations and Thank You...

A few days ago, I asked via twitter and Facebook if anyone would be willing to create a nice looking banner for the top of my blog.  I was tired of it looking plain.  Well, two of my friends from my days in California came through with some pretty nice stuff.  While both submissions were great, I ended up picking the one submitted by my good friend Jeremiah Vik:

Jeremiah is the director at Youth for Christ in El Centro, CA.  He's been in youth ministry since before youth ministry was even "cool." He and his wife Debbie had their first baby boy, Josiah, on January 22nd, 2009.

Both Jeremiah and Debbie were good friends of mine in CA and I can say that my life has truly been blessed by having them in my life.


  1. Awesome banner! Wonderful job Jeremiah.
    I've missed not visiting your blog. Now that I've stolen, 'er I mean borrowed my dad's laptop, I'll be stopping in more often.

    How soon until we see "Fuel's" blog up and running publically?

  2. It already is! We sent out an announcement about it next week. Feel free to visit:
